Our last round of CM application review was at the end of January. We reviewed 41 applications, moved 14 forward to interview, and extended an offer to train for CM to 11. Of those 11, 5 were already on staff as Community Support or Ambassador, and all of these 5 are in the final phases of CM training. Of the 6 who were not on staff when they started CM training, we have 1 moving to the final steps of training while the rest chose not to complete the process.
CM training looks like:
- 2 weeks to 1 month with the Community Support team, meeting all expectations of the role. Then,
- 2 weeks to 1 month with the Ambassador team, meeting all expectations of the role. Then,
- 2 weeks to 1 month as an Associate Community Manager, collaborating with fellow CMs for review on all player action before it’s shipped and meeting all expectations of the role.
We don’t intend to mass-hire again; we do intend to have 2 to 4 candidates going through the CM training process at all times.
Applications will be reviewed as space in the training program opens, and review dates will be announced in Discord announcement channels 2 weeks in advance.