Read all of the rules carefully. Claiming ignorance of these rules is not allowed and will result in at least a 24-hour ban.
1 – Be respectful of others in the community; personal insults or verbal attacks outside of role-play (RP) are strictly prohibited!
2 – RP that violates the Twitch Terms of Service (ToS) and Rules of Conduct (RoC) is strictly prohibited:
3 – Any player caught harassing or bullying another player on the server, or outside of the server but in relation to their presence on the server, will be permanently removed and barred from the current and any future whitelists.
4 – Your first action in any disagreement should always be to try to RP it out. If that doesn’t work and you have a problem with another player, handle it privately, rather than having an open argument on the radio/in chat in the game or in a public forum like Discord or Twitch. If the player has broken a rule, file a report.
5 – Speaking poorly of others on streams, in chats, or elsewhere will not be tolerated. If you have an issue with someone, submit a report. You are representing TwitchRP when you’re on our servers.
6 – Do not message admins directly for general questions. We have a FAQ and a Help Center for reference also Discord channels (ie: #fan-general) where you can ask for assistance. You MAY message admins for issues you’d like kept private like giving personal info (email) or queries of a possible rule break where you worry the other party may see it in a general channel and attack you. To keep your anonymity you may then DM an admin for help.
7 – If an admin contacts you to discuss a timeout, the ban will not be lifted (regardless of its initial duration) until you have spoken to the admin. If an admin contacts you to discuss a rule break and you do not acknowledge the message with a response, you may be timed out until you do so.
8 – When you applied to TwitchRP, you signed up with Discord as part of the process. It’s required that you edit your nickname on the TwitchRP Discord server to “Steam Name You Applied With (Current Character Name)” so that it’s easier for people to contact you. Additionally, this will allow admins to find you quickly in the event a report is filed against you. If the admins are unable to contact you, we will have no other recourse than to take appropriate actions against you, as we will only have one side of the story. If your Steam name is the same as your character name, you must still follow this rule.
9 – You must stay in character at all times on TwitchRP servers. This means no going out-of-character (OOC) on the radio/in-game chats, as well. Message people on Steam, Discord, or other methods if you need to, but keep it all in-character (IC) when playing on TwitchRP.
10 – DO NOT broadcast music to the server using the internal VOIP unless agreed upon by all present parties.
1 – CHARACTER NAMES: If your character is a child, you must add “[c]” BEFORE your name, so that everyone who interacts with you immediately knows you are a child. This is the ONLY acceptable nametag identification allowed on TwitchRP. (See metagaming section below.) Even putting every model slider to the smallest settings results in a character who looks like a small adult; adding the “[c]” to your name helps other players interact with you appropriately and avoids needless misunderstandings.
DO NOT USE QUOTATION MARKS IN YOUR CHARACTER NAME! Admins are unable to change names with quotation marks in them; you will have to re-roll to be in compliance.
2 – AGE REQUIREMENT: TwitchRP uses ESRB ratings as a guide to age requirements for our servers. For Outlaws you must be 16 years old to play.
3 – Do not glitch any elements of the games or use exploits.
4 – NO ERP allowed on the server.
5 – You are required to have a mailbox outside of your home/settlement. This is in case you are raided, then the person raiding has a place to leave their note.
6 – Do NOT build too close to someone or surround their base with anything to block them from continuing their build. This is considered griefing and is not allowed!
7 – SERVER RESTARTS/CRASHES: You may not use a server restart or crash to gain advantage:
- You may not use a server restart or crash to escape an RP situation you were in before the restart/crash. You must wait for the other players to reconnect, and then continue the RP.
- Do not kill sleepers immediately after server restarts or crashes; do not loot their bodies, and allow them to log in before resuming combat. (This only applies to restarts! It is not against the rules to kill sleepers during raids!)
Metagaming is the use of out-of-character (OOC) knowledge someone would have no in-character (IC) knowledge of. Stream sniping occurs when you have a player’s stream open and use the information you see there (whether to find, harass, spy on them, or otherwise interact).
8 – Stream sniping/stalking and metagaming IS NOT TOLERATED. Do not act on information obtained through any means other than direct RP:
- You must keep the information you have learned via watching streams and reading discussions separate from your character’s knowledge.
- You may not use in-game automated notifications (death messages and tribe/clan logs, etc.).
9 – Identifying players and player-owned creatures or structures through the use of their nameplate is considered insufficient RP and is prohibited. This includes but is not limited to:
- using radio/chat tags to find tribe/clan and character names,
- using your HUD on a structure or creature of any kind,
- or using destruction logs to find out who has raided you. If you were raided and the evidence left is false (the raiders blamed someone else), you may not act on your tribe log information. You should follow the false trail and ask around for more information. DO NOT, under any circumstances, confront the raiders and suggest that “a little birdie” told you who really raided you, unless you have the RP proof to back that assertion up.
- You MAY NOT use your spyglass or naked eye to see a animals or character’s name.
10 – TERMINOLOGY: You may not skirt the OOC rule by saying things like:
- in any games: referring to “the land of Discordia” or any other names for Discord, referring to the gods constantly, as in “the gods made him to go sleep permanently” when referring to a banned player, or “the gods can hear us,” etc.
This ruins immersion for everyone present and for viewers. If you need to say something to someone OOC, DM the person – don’t interrupt the RP. If someone else goes OOC, do not further compound the immersion break by going OOC yourself to tell them off or try to help them out. Just report the rule break and move on.
11 – If you decide to re-roll midseason, your new character may be associated with your previous character, but it cannot retain any knowledge from your previous character (memories, etc.). Not only is this meta, but it creates unfair relationships between your new character and those your old character had met.
You may always re-roll for a new season.
Powergaming is the process of gaining an advantage in a RP scenario, either by using in-game mechanics or RP, to give the other players involved no opportunity to interact or defend themselves. It gives the other people involved in RP no option but to lose.
12 – Powergaming of any form is prohibited.
Examples include but are not limited to:
- Constantly speaking over players and not allowing them to speak or defend themselves.
- Robbing Players without giving them an opportunity to speak or defend themselves.
- Putting someone in a position and not allowing them to have a way out.
Community buildings are structures built for community RP, like schools, libraries, restaurants, saunas, etc. These buildings MAY NOT be used for a home; items, valuables, and tames should be stored elsewhere. ALL doors and chests must be unlocked to prevent raiding – if you leave locked storage in your community structure, you should expect that it will get broken into. Do not leave anything in your structure you would be sad to lose. Community buildings MUST have a yellow front door (in games that allow this) or clearly-marked billboards which say “COMMUNITY” (in games that don’t allow door painting) to be considered an RP structure. Your community building must be accessible by the community 24/7; you cannot claim a community building exemption for a structure in your base.
Admin-created builds for a season are ALWAYS neutral, community builds – even though the builds may be owned by the admin tribes, or have a locked door hiding an admin spawn/fast-travel location inside it.
13 – You may not raid a community building!
14 – If you are found abusing the system by creating a communal building as a front for something else, or by hiding a person or their belongings inside, the building is subject to demolition under an admin’s discretion.
15 – RP-PVP IS ALLOWED inside these buildings, as long as it does not damage the building. No explosives!
16 – Using external communication in raids is prohibited. In-game VOIP allows everyone to hear you, and leaves the possibility that you could be overheard during clandestine meetings.
17 – The radio/chat should be considered voice, not text. If someone is typing next to you in chat, and they are in disguise, but you have met them before, you can recognize their voice. (If they stay silent via voice and chat, of course, then you don’t recognize them if their face is hidden.) If you are incapacitated (unconscious), you should not use the radio, as your character is unable to talk.
18 – Treat the radio as realistically as possible.
- No emoticons or text-speak should be used, and unless you have met someone previously, you do not know the name and tribe of the people chatting.
- Additionally, the radio should be used to facilitate RP (arranging a meet-up, checking if someone is awake, etc.), and NOT as your primary mode of RP; your story should not play out over the radio, which can drown out everyone else, but rather should play out in person.
19 – You are not allowed to learn character names or tribe names from the chat, because it is voice. (See metagaming section above.) Certainly, if you’ve met a character before, you would recognize their voice. But if you’ve never interacted with a character, unless they specifically state their name or their tribe’s name, all you know is their voice.
20 – MICROPHONES AND CHAT: Do not use local or tribe/clan chat. Whisper in game via your microphone, or pass notes in game. A microphone is required to play on TwitchRP. If your mic breaks, find a reason your character is suddenly mute (a sore throat is a good reason to not log in!) and exit the situation as gracefully as you can.
21 – External communication may not be used unless you are farming or hanging out in your base with your friends/tribe/clan. The moment you begin active RP, you MUST mute or close your external VOIP connection.
22 – DO NOT log out in the middle of combat, i.e. combat logging.
23 – Value your life above all else. Recklessness ruins role-play and is not allowed. Your character should believe they can die. If they get into a fight, they should be fearful of injury/death.
For example, if your character has a gun on them, and you’re in the open, with your hands up, you can’t draw a weapon. Since this is context-based, possible rule violations will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
24 – You cannot murder someone unless they have threatened your life or have not complied with your reasonable demands.
25 – You cannot assault people without proper vocal role-play initiation that stems from you or your group in all situations.
- Initiated role-play lasts for roughly 15 minutes before you must re-initiate.
26 – If you were not directly involved in the original RP situation (can’t hear the shots), and if you are not a part of the group (via radio/chat, text, or other direct communication previous to the scenario), you may not initiate in that RP scenario unless you follow all other PVP initiation rules.
27 – Declaring war with other tribes/groups is allowed as long as it is clear who the involved parties are. You are not allowed to forcefully drag bystanders into your conflict. Those who were not included in the RP which set the premise for the war are considered bystanders.
If you would like to spectate a fight, you must understand that combatants are in a tense situation and cannot always tell who is a spectator and who is an enemy. Your presence (and the presence of your mount) at a battlefield puts you at risk.
28 – Do not kill sleepers immediately after restarts; allow them at the very least five minutes to log in before resuming combat. (This only applies to restarts! You ARE allowed to kill sleepers during raids!)
29 – You may fight over drops, land grab scenarios, or creature tames in a role-play manner. For example:
- You may fight over land, but you must RP the challenge. Any time you destroy someone’s structure – be it an isolated foundation, stray sign or other structure – you must follow the rules of the RAIDING section below and leave a note.
- When challenging over creature tames, you must leave the creature alone once it is knocked out. Hitting a creature that is knocked out is against the rules.
30 – You are permitted to kill another player’s creatures ONLY under the occurrence of RP in which the owner is actively involved, or in self-defense. You are NEVER to kill another player’s creatures for other reasons, especially if they’re in a base or otherwise private or protected area and set to passive. Enforcers are considered a tame and falls under this rule as well.
- If you store things on passive creatures, they are still subject to being tranqed out and the items being stolen.
- Riding a passive animal to a RP-PVP battle is at your own risk and it may be killed.
31 – Upon death, you are not allowed to visit the area containing your body for the next 15 minutes. There must be NO doubt here from other players. Any loot you may have dropped is now forfeit, up for grabs by anyone. Do not go back for it. Your home, however, stays in your possession. If you die in the vicinity of your home, respawn elsewhere. You have no memory of your killer, or any event leading up to your death. If you die alone in a PvE situation you are free to go back to your body.
32 – If you are accidentally killed in a PVE situation, you may (or may not) be invited back to the RP by the people involved. They may (or may not) return the items found on your body at that time. Do not presume you are invited back; wait for the invitation.
Note: ALL players present must agree to invite you back – you may not just get invited back by your friend!
33 – In any PVP scenario, whether a skirmish or a full-out war, you are not allowed to respawn and return to the fight until approximately 15 minutes after immediate conflict is resolved. Returning to the battle is unrealistic, and both sides continually respawning means the fight would only end when players get tired, and not when one side gets the better of another.
34 – Kiting wild animals onto player bases or animals is not allowed.
35 – During an assault on a settlement, compound, or any other form of “base,” you are allowed to:
- make only one new entrance (which is also your exit).
- destroy only so much that is needed to plunder. You may not drop stolen goods on the floor to despawn; this is considered griefing. If you destroy containers and do not need the contents inside, please put the loot into nearby containers.
- You are not allowed to destroy the entire base or cause massive destruction to it.
36 – RAID NOTES: During an offline raid on someone’s home, you must leave a note in their mailbox. The note must provide an actual RP trail for the victim to follow, including your signature. There should be no doubt from the recipient.
- You are to leave your note in their mailbox! You may use the name on the building to know where to send the mail to (RP it as placing a note in their mailbox.) If you have never met them before in game or know where they live IC – then you cannot use this as a way to know their name IC, that is considered meta. If they don’t have a mailbox then you need to send it at the first one you come across.
If you were witnessed (i.e. chased off or caught) by a third party, you ARE STILL REQUIRED to leave a note.
Your note must lead to some form of RP for the victim. If it is deemed an insufficient or poor note, or you’ve simply blamed someone random, the admin team reserves the right to deem your raid as a rule break.
Be aware that continuous raiding could lead to harassment. Be respectful of your fellow player and the time they put into the game. Role-play should always be a priority.
Though the mods we select for TwitchRP have low-poly counts, every single item placed on the server contributes to lag. To keep TRP running smoothly, please be aware of how much you are placing and building – a little can go a long way!
37 – FOUNDATIONS: Empty foundations (whether spammed in an area, single foundations placed randomly, or several foundations together with no progress made on the build) will be removed by admins after 72 hours from the start of a season. Empty rafts and abandoned dinghies will also be removed. Admins will continue to remove these foundations and rafts without notice as the season progresses.3
38 – Your tribe is allowed one “main” base and one smaller, separate location (for example, a main RP base, and a smaller, secure build for PVP). If an admin feels your build is too big, expect a request to downsize.